Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 5 of 30

Doing anything long-term can be a challenge. So it is with painting daily. Exercise, daily Bible reading, and eating better are great new year's resolutions, but we need that extra self-discipline to carry it through. We need a support network of caring individuals who are of the same mind who will encourage us to keep our resolutions. Encourage literally means to "put the heart into" and so we look for encouragement in life to help us along. Thanks to all who have encouraged me in my artistic pursuits, which has helped make me want to keep on doing what I love - Paint Horses! Next week I'll paint horses with color, like the Paint Horse, Appaloosa, and Pinto. Not that the horses so far haven't had COLOR!

1 comment:

  1. Such movement! Grabbed my attention immediately! Great painting!
